PIRAEUS OFFICE: (+30) 210 4000 803

THESSALONIKI OFFICE: (+30) 2310 796.730


Our equipment consists of many different kinds of cutting and proccessing machinery, as much as many other modern technical equipment and machinery. We also use many different materials for manufacturing our products. From hard stainless steel to many kinds of graphite sheets, whatever suits the requested order best. Below we give you some indicative information on our main tools…

6 AXIS WATERJET Cutting System

Our company uses a 6-axis rotary waterjet cutter for the demanding processing and complex shaping of hard metals and titanium. The cutting and configuration abilities offered by this system are limitless.

Briefly, the main processing features offered by our 6-axis waterjet cutting system are mentioned above…

  • Ability of cutting 200 mm.
  • Ability to cut a wide variety of materials.
    This includes: Stainless Steel, Titanium, Aluminum, Copper, etc.
  • Zero thermal stress of the material to be processed
  • High cutting speeds.
  • Possibility of cutting with inclination up to 60°.
  • Smooth and flawless edges of the treated object.

CNC Milling and Lathe Systems

• CNC Machining Systems
• CNC Milling Systems
• CNC Lathe Systems 

LASER CNC Cutting Machines

Our arsenal also includes CNC Laser machines, which are mainly used for cutting and manufacturing metal parts and components.

Laser cutting also offers us excellent cutting accuracy and allows us to quickly build large product lines with absolute homogeneity and smooth surfaces, which when ready to cut are ready for any further processing, without the need for any additional treatment.


For our design services and for accurate measurements or modeling of required components and prototypes, we use a 3D Armor Scanner with perfectly accurate measurement capabilities.

The use of 3D scanning technology as a tool is a one-way street in modern engineering as it offers us the capability for reproduction and construction of complex components in cases such as when it is difficult to find a ready-made spare part or requires the manufacture of a custom component. With the scanning model, we are able to build any kind of accessory regardless of size or complexity.


Combined with 3D Scanning, we use state-of-the-art 3D printers, so in case, for example, of creating a prototype, we have the ability to print the digital model that came from 3D Scanning or was designed from scratch, in 3D printer, thus creating the necessary standard required for real-world testing.

This test makes it safer to transport the component to production, as this method eliminates the possibility of producing a large number of defective components.