PIRAEUS OFFICE: (+30) 210 4000 803

THESSALONIKI OFFICE: (+30) 2310 796.730



FP Diesel manufactures Spare Parts and Components, and offers the most reliable solution for the demanding repair and rebuilding needs of all heavy vehicle engines and subsystems.

Choose FP Diesel® and you get a comprehensive set of leading-edge technologies integrated into every replacement engine and sealing component, designed to perform at their best in demanding work environments. From cutting-edge advanced metallurgy on the interior to specialized coatings on the exterior.

With FP Diesel, you get a reliable repair solution in the form of advanced technologies designed to address the unique requirements and operating environments of each engine after thousands of hours of operation.
The above products are represented in the Greek market by MENGIA S.A.
For more information and offers, please contact our Sales Department.
Tel.: (+30) 2310 796.730


FP Diesel manufactures Spare Parts and Components, and offers the most reliable solution for the demanding repair and rebuilding needs of all heavy vehicle engines and subsystems.

Choose FP Diesel® and you get a comprehensive set of leading-edge technologies integrated into every replacement engine and sealing component, designed to perform at their best in demanding work environments. From cutting-edge advanced metallurgy on the interior to specialized coatings on the exterior.
With FP Diesel, you get a reliable repair solution in the form of advanced technologies designed to address the unique requirements and operating environments of each engine after thousands of hours of operation.
The above products are represented in the Greek market by MENGIA S.A.
For more information and offers, please contact our Sales Department.
Tel.: (+30) 2310 796.730